Patient, test thyself

2015. október 10. 21:59

Electrical Engineering Professor Aydogan Ozcan says the ability to turn mobile devices into lab-quality measuring instruments can revolutionize clinical care, particularly for rural or indigent populations who live beyond the reach of urban centers.

2015. október 10. 21:59
Aydogan Ozcan
UCLA Magazine

Using the voice-activated interface of Glass, patients and physicians can capture an image of the diagnostic test and send it to a Holomic server, which we then process and send back to Glass [as a dynamic spatiotemporal map and real-time test results and statistics. One example of where this technology makes sense is inside an emergency room, where surgeons and clinicians need swift, hands-free feedback of diagnostic data. Another would be clinical work in the field during an infectious disease outbreak, where removing hand protection is not feasible.

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