Surgery rocks!

2012. november 22. 13:17

Few years ago doctors found a vocal polyp on me chords ...

2012. november 22. 13:17

„dear friends

few years ago doctors found a vocal polyp on me chords ... i decided to go the natural way and for 4 years did stretches and tackled it with different foods and what not . then they discovered better technology and i got tempted into hi tech lazer stuff and i have to say , in my case anyway : surgery rocks ! i stayed quiet for 3 weeks and then started singing and definitely feel like my chords are as good as pre nodule ! it´s been very satisfying to sing all them clear notes again .

im sorry i had to cancel stuff earlier in the year , didnt want to talk about this until i knew for sure if it would work . so looking forward to singing for you in 2013

all the warmth ,björk.”

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